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Hey guys! Here is a quick and dirty tutorial on how to make simple, yet pretty cool bordered backgrounds. For this project you will need, Paint Shop Pro from Jasc software and your HTML editor. This tutorial assumes you have very basic knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.


#1. Create a new file with the dimensions 140x20 pixels and 16million colors.

#2. Fill the new image with the color of your choice using the "bucket fill" or whatever method you are comfortable with.

#3. Go to the menu Image/Add Borders and add a border of 2 to the "right" of the image. Make sure the border is a different color than your main image (I used white).

#4. Now select the new border you just created with the "Magic Wand" tool. Fill this area with a color of your choice (I used black).

#5. Now go back to Image/Add Borders and add a border of 1160 to the "right" of the image. We do this so that the background will be long enough for monitors set at a high resolution. After you do this, save your new background image.

Click here to see how this image looks as a background.

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